
The department of routinely conducts interpretation of peripheral smear and bonemarrow.Screening for cervical cancer with papsmear and fine needle aspiration of superfical swellings such as thyroid and lymphnodes are done here. Interpretation of guided fine needle aspiration cytology and true cut biopsies are conducted.Histopathological reporting of all types of forms the built of the work. Grading pathological staging of malignant tumors also done.

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The department of routinely conducts interpretation of peripheral smear and bonemarrow.Screening for cervical cancer with papsmear and fine needle aspiration of superfical swellings such as thyroid and lymphnodes are done here. Interpretation of guided fine needle aspiration cytology and true cut biopsies are conducted.Histopathological reporting of all types of forms the built of the work. Grading pathological staging of malignant tumors also done.
