
The Radiology Department of Elite Mission Hospital had a humble beginning in November 1979 with the installation of 800mA IGE X-ray dark room fluoroscopy unit and portable 60mA Siemens unit with four radiographers. All kinds of X-rays and procedures were performed predominantly relating to routine clinical indications.

In 1990, this department added an L&T Sigma Ultrasound and had a visiting radiologist, Dr. Chandni Varma, DMRD MD In 1993 the hospital saw a need for a CT scanner and a Toshiba (Japan) 300S CT scan with Dynamic facility was acquired in June and this led to Dr.Chandni Varma joining the hospital as a full time radiologist. Within a short time this department became one of the finest centers in the city .The superior image quality and comprehensive as well as excellent radiology work done by radiologist and radiographers was appreciated by one and all.

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This led to the further addition of Kontron Color Doppler of France marketed by L&T in 1995 for abdominal, Obstetric and peripheral studies. Dr K C Pyarelal MD joined this busy department in 1995 and in 1996 March, the dream of all radiologists came true at Elite Mission hospital, the installation of 0.5T superconducting MRI Flexart from Toshiba .This was the first MRI in the whole of south Kerala stretching from Trichur to Dakshinna Kannada in neighboring Karnataka at that time. This MRI has the facility to do MR angiography-TOF and Phase Shift as well MRCP and MR Myelography and Quadrature coils for Head, Spine, and Knee.

This is the most superior scan available at Trichur to image disease process anywhere in the body without radiation.

The 640mA DT-KEL (Toshiba-Japan) image intensifier was also installed in 1996 thus obviating the need for dark room fluoroscopy .ERCP and Small bowel enema as well as high quality barium studies became a reality for Gastroenterologists and Radiologists at Elite and Trichur.

A space age looking portable Ultrasound scanner Capacee was also commissioned to take care of trauma and ICU patients

In 2002; we added the revolutionary 4D ultrasound scanner, the Voluson 730 Expert, from Wipro-GE to our facility which has the ability to see 3D images in real-time (4D).A Alpha Logic 100 (WiproGE) portable ultrasound unit to help in Accident& Emergency (A&E).

This diagnostic imaging department does on an average of 15 to 20 MRI & CT scans, 30-45 Ultrasounds & 75-150 radiographs per day. It has ten radiographers and ten clerical staff.The departments are also ensurity upgrading with new genetrix equipment.

At Elite Mission Hospital, we are committed to provide superior healthcare services and have invested in state-of-the-art technology, facilities and professionals. With the new Signa 1.5T HDx, we can capture images that we couldn’t capture before. The system can correct patient motion even in most difficult cases like parkinsonism or jittery kids and can provide breathtaking image quality beyond expectations.

Now it is possible

  • To get a diagnostic-quality image on a moving patient.(PROPELLER)
  • To routinely characterise the lower-leg vasculature of a patient
    With diabetes all the way down to the toes (TRICKS – XV MR Angiography)
  • To scan the whole liver with high resolution in a single breath-hold. (LAVA XV)
  • To image both breasts in high resolution in one patient visit. (VIBRANT XV)
  • To see white matter tracts (DTI – Diffuse Tensor Imaging), chemical structure Of intra cranial lesions (MR Spectroscopy), functioning of abnormal brain (Functional MRI) and cartilage degeneration (MR Cartigram)
  • EXCITE-HD high definition features
  • HDMR technology to make the entire process of MR imaging crisp, smooth and seamless
  • Highly accurate HD gradients deliver high fidelity and high image quality.
  • 4 times the reconstruction power of previous MR platforms.
  • Can obtain high temporal resolution without sacrificing spatial resolution

Facilities and Services

  • MRI/CT scan/Colour Doppler/Ultrasonography/Gen. Radiology
  • Signa 1.5 Tesla Superconducting MRI
  • An MRI is a window into human body. The more powerful the MRI, the better the image it produces. The more a doctor can see, the better on accurate the dignosis treatment. It is just like the difference between a normal TV and High Definition TV to make defining masses more clearly. The new GE Signa 1.5T HDx MRI is the most advanced MRI in the world, and Elite Mission Hospital, the leader in speciality care has it.
  • GE Signa 1.5T HDx MRI means unprecedented power, clarity, speed and convenience with twice the power of previous generation of MRIs – and over four times the power of the best open MRI it takes the HDx less time to take a scan, has superior clarity, which makes the whole experience more comfortable.

Colour Doppler

Dedicated peripheral vascular Doppler machine is a real boon to department of imaging.

Color Doppler is useful and non invasive screening tool. This state-of-the-art equipment armed with multiple probes can do carotid, peripheral vascular, renal, small parts and gynaecological Doppler studies

Ultrasonography 3D+4D

This section is well equips with two ultrasonography machine to do most of the ultrasound work. These machines are equipped with all types of probes including transvaginal and transrectal probs, which are useful in making early diagnosis in obstetrical and urological diseases. It is immensely helpful in detecting the abnormality of the features in the progenies

Nowadays, Ultrasound has become an important tool in early detection of many abdominal and pelvic abnormalities. This non invasive investigation is relatively cheap, easy to perform and gives quick diagnosis

General Radiology

We have advanced X-ray machines which are equipped with automatic exposure control. This enables to produce consistent quality X-rays without giving excess radiation to the patient.

Routinery a high KV technique is used for Chest X-ray which increases chances of picking up more abnormalities, thus helping in proper management and patient care.

The Radiology Department of Elite Mission Hospital had a humble beginning in November 1979 with the installation of 800mA IGE X-ray dark room fluoroscopy unit and portable 60mA Siemens unit with four radiographers. All kinds of X-rays and procedures were performed predominantly relating to routine clinical indications.

In 1990, this department added an L&T Sigma Ultrasound and had a visiting radiologist, Dr. Chandni Varma, DMRD MD In 1993 the hospital saw a need for a CT scanner and a Toshiba (Japan) 300S CT scan with Dynamic facility was acquired in June and this led to Dr.Chandni Varma joining the hospital as a full time radiologist. Within a short time this department became one of the finest centers in the city .The superior image quality and comprehensive as well as excellent radiology work done by radiologist and radiographers was appreciated by one and all.

This led to the further addition of Kontron Color Doppler of France marketed by L&T in 1995 for abdominal, Obstetric and peripheral studies. Dr K C Pyarelal MD joined this busy department in 1995 and in 1996 March, the dream of all radiologists came true at Elite Mission hospital, the installation of 0.5T superconducting MRI Flexart from Toshiba .This was the first MRI in the whole of south Kerala stretching from Trichur to Dakshinna Kannada in neighboring Karnataka at that time. This MRI has the facility to do MR angiography-TOF and Phase Shift as well MRCP and MR Myelography and Quadrature coils for Head, Spine, and Knee.

This is the most superior scan available at Trichur to image disease process anywhere in the body without radiation.

The 640mA DT-KEL (Toshiba-Japan) image intensifier was also installed in 1996 thus obviating the need for dark room fluoroscopy .ERCP and Small bowel enema as well as high quality barium studies became a reality for Gastroenterologists and Radiologists at Elite and Trichur.

A space age looking portable Ultrasound scanner Capacee was also commissioned to take care of trauma and ICU patients

In 2002; we added the revolutionary 4D ultrasound scanner, the Voluson 730 Expert, from Wipro-GE to our facility which has the ability to see 3D images in real-time (4D).A Alpha Logic 100 (WiproGE) portable ultrasound unit to help in Accident& Emergency (A&E).

This diagnostic imaging department does on an average of 15 to 20 MRI & CT scans, 30-45 Ultrasounds & 75-150 radiographs per day. It has ten radiographers and ten clerical staff.The departments are also ensurity upgrading with new genetrix equipment.

At Elite Mission Hospital, we are committed to provide superior healthcare services and have invested in state-of-the-art technology, facilities and professionals. With the new Signa 1.5T HDx, we can capture images that we couldn’t capture before. The system can correct patient motion even in most difficult cases like parkinsonism or jittery kids and can provide breathtaking image quality beyond expectations.

Now it is possible

  • To get a diagnostic-quality image on a moving patient.(PROPELLER)
  • To routinely characterise the lower-leg vasculature of a patient
    With diabetes all the way down to the toes (TRICKS – XV MR Angiography)
  • To scan the whole liver with high resolution in a single breath-hold. (LAVA XV)
  • To image both breasts in high resolution in one patient visit. (VIBRANT XV)
  • To see white matter tracts (DTI – Diffuse Tensor Imaging), chemical structure Of intra cranial lesions (MR Spectroscopy), functioning of abnormal brain (Functional MRI) and cartilage degeneration (MR Cartigram)
  • EXCITE-HD high definition features
  • HDMR technology to make the entire process of MR imaging crisp, smooth and seamless
  • Highly accurate HD gradients deliver high fidelity and high image quality.
  • 4 times the reconstruction power of previous MR platforms.
  • Can obtain high temporal resolution without sacrificing spatial resolution